Nature's Delicacy

Nature's Delicacy

Saturday, February 20, 2010

There is no protection whatsoever—wherever you may be!

The headline reads-----"40 people killed as they were about to start praying in a mosque when its minaret collapsed". The historic mosque, situated in the town of Meknes in Morocco, is an 18 century built edifice from adobe, a sun-dried brick of earth and straw. At the time of the tragedy, the mosque was packed with worshipers for their Friday prayers. A tragedy no doubt and of all places it happened in a place of worship! Of course this is not the only tragedy of its kind. There had been many such happenings all over the places. It does beg the question of whether there is indeed such a place where man can be save from the elements and it seems that even the almighty up there could not do anything?

Some would choose to call it an act of divinity. But whatever makes it happen, mankind will not get to learn about it, whether in this world or hereafter. No matter what mankind built, there is no protection what so ever that it will remain in perpetuity. The wind reminds us that it is uncontrollable. The sun is more forgiving by its sure rising and setting from the horizons. And the weather……….? It is now a big issue. More like mankind burning out of control, after being addicted to comfort derived from the use of fossil fuel. From the seas and oceans, man has harvested its richness and in its wake, left nothing else but utter destruction. Tell it to the Japanese that they should not kill off the whales and you get an astonished look like it was never written in the bible. The killing has to go on…just so that the restaurants remain viable and the hunger can be appeased.

If one were to look at all those sinful things that man secretly did, there is absolutely no reason that the almighty should give man its dues. Mankind, the modern type, is always seeking to satisfy his hunger for more, for mightier, and for grander lives to live. Many things are taken for granted. Like a chosen son, the priority must be man himself, even though there is no such edict. Look at the other species that are unfortunate to share with us this world; they have not got any protection at all. In fact, they are more likely being harvested to satisfy man’s greed or if they were harmful to man, then they become the target of extermination. Sometime even ruthlessly exterminated, as if they don’t deserve to be on the ‘A’ list! So man, the destroyer, should not get protection what so ever from the almighty, regardless of whether they belonged to the sinful or the sanctimonious class. To the animals and the birds that roam our earth, there is only one thing; that they obey the natural laws like eating to appease hunger and to pro-create. Perhaps mankind should abandon or played down all those things that they said they are doing in the name of the almighty!

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